This Repair IMEI feature is applicable only for devices with IMEI located in the file system (Software IMEI).
- Select "MTK" platform from the tab menu in the upper left side of the software
- Go to "IMEI" tab
- Turn the phone off
- Connect* turned off phone to PC
- Select an appropriate virtual COM port in Software (usually the highest number)
- Important: select "Meta" in the "MTK boot" tab
- Enter IMEI number in the "Phone IMEI" field
- Press "Repair IMEI" button and follow the instructions in the log window
- Press and hold "Power ON" button on the phone
- As soon as shows an appropriate message in the log window, release "Power ON" button
- The message "Done" indicates that procedure was completed successfully
- Disconnect the handset. Remove and reinstall the battery
* the phone has to be connected to PC COM port via any COM port emulator.
If you are a owner, connect the phone to PC via using "Mot EX" cable from the box package (Options tab -> DTR & RTS settings has to be set to "Smart-Clip2 (default)").
Note that COM port MUST support 921600 baud rate.